Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Merciful God

The past few posts have focused on influential hymnwriters of the past. These poets, pastors and theologians have contributed to the vitality of Christian worship for centuries and their legacy is still felt in countless churches each Sunday. For those of us who love hymns, it is encouraging to know that hymnwriting, though an uncommon endeavor, is not a lost art.

Keith and Kristyn Getty, and their frequent collaborator Stuart Townend, are producing songs that have traditional melodies and contemporary, yet deeply theological, texts. Their lyrics stand in clear contrast to much of what is being written for congregational use today. The clarity of thought and sheer biblicality of the texts, coupled with the singable beauty of their melodies make their songs true treasures.

Their goal in writing these hymns is two-fold, according to Keith: "First, it's to help teach the faith. What we sing affects how we think, how we feel and ultimately how we live, so it's so important that we sing the whole scope of truth the Bible has given us. The second reason is to try to create a more timeless musical style that every generation can sing, a style that relates to the past and the future."

"Our hope is not in ourselves, it's in Christ," Kristyn adds. "We want music for the Church to be able to lift us beyond our circumstances and become a plumb line for bringing all of our life experiences to the Truth."

Our anthem this week illustrates how well they are able to achieve these goals:

Merciful God, O abounding in love,
Faithful to all who draw near You;
Hearing the cries of the humble in heart,
Showing the cross they may cling to.
Broken I come, helpless in sin,
Found at the feet of Your mercy.
Father, forgive; may my sin be remembered no more.

Merciful God, O abounding in love,
Faithful through times we have failed You;
Selfish in thought and uncaring in deed,
Foolish in word and ungrateful.
Spirit of God, conquer our hearts
With love that flows from forgiveness;
Cause us to yield and return to the mercy of God.

Merciful God, O abounding in love,
Faithful to keep us from falling;
Guiding our ways with Your fatherly heart,
Growing our faith with each testing.
God speed the day struggles will end;
Faultless we'll gaze on Your glory.
Then we will stand overwhelmed by the mercy of God.

Words and Music by Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty, and Stuart Townend
©2006 Thankyou Music


  1. The Getty's statement concerning their reasons for writing as well as what they create - all so very fine. Thanks again.

  2. Love their stuff! Nice people as well.

  3. Marne - Posting as anon because I am too tired of computers to create a profile. Anyway, I like the music. Vive la lovely melodies and rich words. I hope the tide is turning back from inane repetition and 3-note tunes, which simply make me cross.
