Tuesday, February 16, 2010

These Things Are True of You

Our anthem this week was composed by Tommy Walker, a worship leader at Christian Assembly in Los Angeles. In addition to his work with his local church, Walker has traveled with Promise Keepers, Greg Laurie Harvest Crusades and Franklin Graham. He is a recording artist with Maranatha! Music, Integrity Music and other publishers. We have used several of his songs in the early service at Covenant, including, "He Knows My Name," a wonderful reminder of God's care, based on Psalm 139, and "We Will Remember," which recounts the faithfulness of God to His people.

The song "These Things Are True of You" addresses Christ, listing the many attributes that mark His character and work in our lives.

Unshakable, immovable, faithful and true;
Full of wisdom, strength and beauty:
These things are true of You.
Fearless, courageous,
Righteousness shines through in all You do,
Yet You're so humble; You laid down Your life:
These things are true of You.

Patient, compassionate, love flows through You.
You never give up on the hopeless ones:
These things are true of You.
Holy and blameless, You stand up for justice and truth,
Yet You love mercy and forgiveness:
These things are true of You.

The refrain of the song, then, prays the boldest prayer a believer can pray:

And as I turn my face to You,
Oh Lord, I ask and pray:
By the power of Your love and grace,
Make these things true of me, too;
Make these things true of me, too.

We have an example to follow in Christ, but He never expects us to achieve our discipleship in the flesh. Let us rest in the promise of Galatians 5:22-25 that is not by our own power that the image of Christ is created in us:

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit.

"These Things Are True of You"
Tommy Walker
Copyright 1996 Doulos Publishing (Maranatha! Music)


  1. It is delightful to be meeting new hymn writers through your blog. It is always exciting to see evidences of the Spirit's working in this generation.

  2. Also another favorite....beautifully written in lyric and melody.
