Tuesday, March 23, 2010

There is a Name

Palm Sunday is, in my opinion, an odd festival day in that it is filled with mixed emotions. On that day we celebrate Christ’s entry into Jerusalem with songs of praise, yet we know that it began a journey that culminated in the end of Jesus’ earthly ministry, and that the fickle crowd’s cry of “Hosanna!” would soon turn to shout of “Crucify him!” The people of Jerusalem were welcoming the one they hoped would reign as the promised Messiah-King, when he had come as the prophesied Suffering Servant.

The song we sing this week, written by Claire Cloninger and Robert Sterling, helps bring those competing roles together. The Hebrew word “hosanna” originally meant “Save, we pray.” By the time of Jesus, it seems to have become a cry of praise. Since a call for God to send salvation is embedded in the word, the people of Jerusalem were getting more than they realized. They wanted a Conqueror, but they got a Savior.

“Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord!” (Luke 19:38)

“You shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21)

“And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved." (Acts 4:12)

In the name of Jesus is all the power of the Godhead marshaled for our rescue from sin and death. In the name of Jesus is all comfort for each circumstance of our lives. So our anthem is a two-fold Hosanna: a cry for God’s saving grace through Jesus, and a shout of praise for his finished work.

There is a name
That stills the raging storm inside of me.
There is a name
That heals the hidden wounds no one can see.
When my mind is full of questions
That my heart cannot explain,
I lift my voice and call the name of JESUS.

Hope comes flooding in when I say, “Jesus.”
Mercy covers sin when I say, “Jesus.”
I’m lifted up again by the power that is in his holy name.
I lift my voice to proclaim the name of Jesus.

There is a name,
The sound of it drives evil to its knees.
There is a name,
The power of it brings waves of inner peace.
And I know a day is coming
When every heart shall bow;
And with one voice we’ll raise the name of JESUS.

The blind shall see!
The dead shall rise!
The lame shall leap to praise the mighty name of Jesus!

Hope comes flooding in when I say, “Jesus.”
Mercy covers sin when I say, “Jesus.”
I’m lifted up again by the power that is in his holy name.
I lift my voice to proclaim the name of Jesus.

"Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"


  1. What great words! New song, old hymn, one of yours?

  2. It was written by Claire Cloninger. She's been around for a while now. I first used this song in Scottsdale with my choir there. I wish I could take credit for it.
